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Main Building
2nd floor on the left
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00
Monday is closing day
(not applicable to public holiday)

The exposition familiarizes the Museum visitors with the history of West Bohemia from the 10th to the middle of the 19th centuries, paying attention predominantly to the varieties of the material culture on the background of historical events. The historical development is presented on the basis of historical artefacts and period pieces of art, using the archaeological finds from the individual periods. The exposition is divided into the following chapters: Old Pilsen, Medieval Transformation, Medieval Village, Town in the Late Middle Ages, Pilsen Region in Hussite and Podiebrad Family Wars, Jagellonian Period, Renaissance, Thirty Years’ War, Baroque, Enlightenment and Biedermeier, 1848 Revolution. The exposition conclusion is formed by a section devoted to a coin cabinet. The exposition is completed with interactive touch panels providing more detailed information on the history of West Bohemia.

  • Doplňující info:

    Exposition location

    Main Building
    2nd floor on the left

    Opening hours / Entrance fee

    Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00


    Czech language only, with accompanying texts on the boards in Czech and English; a printed guidebook was issued for the exposition 


    Václav Marian
    Karel Funda