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Department of Natural Sciences (Rokycany)

• We create and control botanical (vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens), mycological, zoological (ornithological, mammalogical) and entomological collections from the regions of Rokycany, Křivoklát, Brdy and Pilsen.
• We develop a collection of scientific documentation on variations of landscape and biotopes and on the occurrence of individual species.
• We are engaged in professional, scientific and research activities in the fields of botany, environmental protection and lichenology.
• We popularize our specialist knowledge in the form of exhibitions, lectures, study trips and educational programmes.
• We work together with schools and professional institutions.
• We ensure editing services for the Anthology of the Museum of Dr. Bohuslav Horák, supplement Nature.

  • Doplňující info:

    Registered office / Contact

    Masarykovo nám 135/I, Rokycany
    (+420) 378 370 720

    Mailing address

    Muzeum Dr. B. Horáka v Rokycanech
    nám. J. Urbana 141
    337 01 Rokycany
    Czech Republic