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Ancient History Department

• Our department administers the greatest number of sub-collections of the Museum, namely those of historical archaeology, militaria, numismatic, historical, graphic art, maps and plans.
• We take care of the sub-collections, perform their professional and scientific evaluation, present them in publications, lectures, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and expositions.
• We perform rescue archaeological research focused on the period of High and Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era.
• We offer consultations to the public within our fields of study, possibility of research visits (after a prior agreement) and borrowing our collection items.

  • Doplňující info:

    Registered office / Contact

    Zborovská 40, Plzeň
    (+420) 378 370 300
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    Mailing address

    Západočeské muzeum v Plzni
    Oddělení starších dějin
    Kopeckého sady 2
    301 00 Plzeň 
    Czech Republic