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Department of History and Social Sciences (Rokycany)

We administer the following collections: archaeology, ethnography, iron and metals with specialization in graphic art cast iron and iron production in the region, technology, glass, ceramics and china, militaria, textile, furniture, numismatics and phaleristics, photography, graphic art, educational system, and a collection of inheritances of some famous personalities connected with the Region of Rokycany.
• We cooperate with individuals, schools and professional institutions in processing the regional historical subjects.
• We conduct archaeological research works.
• We take part in preparation of the exhibiting and lecturing activities of the museum.

  • Doplňující info:

    Registered office / Contact

    ul. Josefa Knihy 146, Rokycany
    (+420) 378 370 731
    (+420) 778 520 823 (J. Lehner)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mailing address

    Muzeum Dr. B. Horáka v Rokycanech
    nám. J. Urbana 141
    337 01 Rokycany
    Czech Republic