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Palaeobiodiversity Centre

We collect fossils from Early and Late Palaeozoic Era, and partially also from the Tertiary and Quaternary periods.
• We extend the collections by our own finds and received donations.
• We document the collection items and take care of them.
• We produce cut and ground surfaces of rocks and fossils.
• We ensure editing services for the reviewed journal
Folia musei rerum naturalium bohemiae occidentalis, geologica et paleobiologica 
• We are co-publishers of international impacted journal Bulletin of Geosciences
• We organize conferences and expert workshops.

  • Doplňující info:

    Registered office / Contact

    Tylova 22, Plzeň
    (+420) 378 370 453
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    Mailing address

    Západočeské muzeum v Plzni
    Centrum paleobiodiversity
    Kopeckého sady 2
    301 00 Plzeň
    Czech Republic