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Ethnographic Department

• We take care of collections of a wide range, document them and digitize pictures.
• We extend the collection especially by items, written and pictorial documents from everyday life including household equipment, trades, home production, traditions and anniversary feasts.
• We carry out a research on the subject of Extinct Jewish Community in Klatovy District.
• We perform field research and prospecting activities, conduct interviews with eyewitnesses, and take photographs of selected events and localities.
• We participate in professional conferences and meetings of advisory commissions in ethnography and traditional folk culture.
• We prepare exhibitions, lectures, articles and publications to make our research, collections and knowledge accessible to the public.

  • Doplňující info:

    Registered office / Contact

    Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska
    náměstí Republiky 13, Plzeň
    (+420) 378 370 206
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    Mailing address

    Západočeské muzeum v Plzni
    Národopisné oddělení
    Kopeckého sady 2 
    301 00 Plzeň
    Czech Republic