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The Museum of Dr. Bohuslav HorákOpen
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 16.00
lunch break 12.00 - 12.30
Monday is closing day

The Museum of Dr. Bohuslav Horák in Rokycany which offers a couple of expositions open all year round has become our new branch since 2015.

Iron Production in Rokycany Region and at Brdy Foothills

The exposition familiarizes the visitors with the traditional iron production in Rokycany Region and at Brdy Foothills from the 14th to the middle of the 20th centuries. The skills of our forefathers are presented by a whole range of iron products, such as horseshoes, sickles, axes, keys, locks, liturgical crosses, common household things as stoves, mortars, and irons. The atmosphere of the exposition is completed by models of a charcoal kiln, tilt-hammer, hobnail hearth, internal operation equipment, and other objects of interest.

Rural Living in Rokycany Region

The exposition shows the way of rural living in the half of the 19th century with a set of painted furniture from Ejpovice (painted cupboards, cases, a table with stools, bed, cradle, spinning wheel, and a weaving loom). Visitors can also take a look at the common tools used in the household and in the yard during the agricultural activities (manual mowing tools and flails, plough, horse collar, wicker baskets and bread baskets).

Burgher Household in Rokycany Region

The exposition is divided into two main parts – the kitchen and a burgher drawing room. The difference between the individual types of rooms can be seen easily especially in the design or colours of the wooden furniture, household everyday utilities, chandeliers, stoves, etc. The exposition is completed with glass and china sets and fashion accessories from the second half of the 19th century.

Rokycany Region in the Past

This extensive exposition situated in three rooms shows the history of Rokycany Region from prehistory to the year 1918. In the course of the centuries, you will be familiarized with the individual historic events and personalities of the region from the oldest finds of the Stone Age, first Slavic settlements, and Early Middle Ages.

Nature for Future

The exposition has been built to present and learn the varieties of Rokycany Region nature. It shows the species of amphibians, birds, mammals and rare plants occurring in the region. The exposition familiarizes visitors with the preservation areas – natural parks and preserves, natural monuments, commemorative and protected trees. It shows the exhibits of animals from the natural collections of the Museum of Rokycany, completed with photographs of plant species and biotopes.

Imprints of Time

Rokycany Region is situated at the western edge of an area called Barrandien rich in palaeontological finds. At present, the museum’s collection has as many as 130,000 fossils, especially zoo-palaeontological from the Cambrian and Ordovician periods of the Palaeozoic Era. The exposition presents to the visitors a selection of finds from the museum’s collections developed for already more than 100 years mainly from donations, purchases, and museum’s own finds. An interactive map is available, showing the protected palaeontological sites in the region and an electronic catalogue of graptolites and trilobites.