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Main Building
3nd floor on the left
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00
Monday is closing day
(not applicable to public holiday)

In addition to the large sets of glass and ceramics, foreign and Czech porcelain, iron, pewter and precious metal works, clocks and watches, sacral art, posters and other graphic art, the exposition also presents a representative selection from the collection of ancient art and an exotic collection of handicraft works from Near and Far East. A separate part commemorates Ladislav Sutnar, a native of Pilsen and the leading personality of Czechoslovak functionalist work and internationally recognized representative of visual design. In addition to the quality of the exhibits in terms of art and history, the method of their presentation is also important. The exposition authors exhibited the artefacts in a similar manner as they had been at the beginning of the last century, i.e. in great quantities, in groups collecting objects by materials and styles typical for certain periods, and without any further distracting information. Thus, the objects only make impression through their own handicraft quality, urging us to ponder, and inspiring. Any worked out legends needed, more detailed information and comments to the individual objects are separated from the showcases, being served through the latest visual means – in contrast to the past.

  • Doplňující info:

    Exposition location

    Main Building
    3rd floor on the left


    Czech only on special cards; info-points with legends in Czech and English

    Opening hours / Entrance fee

    Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00


    Václav Marian 
    Karel Funda