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The Puppet Museum in Pilsen profits on the rich local puppet-playing tradition. It maps the activities of the puppet theatres performing in Pilsen and its nearest vicinity. The exposition presents step by step the beginnings of puppetry in Pilsen from the strolling puppeteers over the Puppet Theatre of Holiday Settlements, Skupa’s Theatre, and production of puppeteers’ companies of the second half of the 20th century up to the present days.

What you can see in the museum

Permanent exposition The Story on a Thread

Short- and medium-term exhibitions all year round (see the Current Events)

Within the exposition, you can visit

  • Strolling theatres
  • Škoda’s Theatre
  • Beginnings of puppetry in Pilsen
  • Family puppet theatres
  • Puppet Theatre of Holiday Settlements
  • Karel Novák’s Theatre
  • Josef Skupa, Jiří Trnka and the revolutionary Punch
  • Amateur theatres
  • Alfa Theatre

What you can experience in our museum


  • Doplňující info:

    Address / Contact

    Muzeum loutek
    náměstí Republiky 23
    301 00 Plzeň 

    Box office: (+420) 378 370 801 
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Opening hours / Entrance fee

    Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

    Monday is a closing time
    (except for the national holidays)

    Wheelchair access: Yes

    Radek Kodera
    Jan Pohribný
    Václav Marian