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The Ethnographic Museum of Pilsen Region is located in two Renaissance houses in the centre of Pilsen. Chotěšovský House is oriented towards the Square of the Republic, while Gerlachovský House leads to Dřevěná Street. The permanent exposition How People Lived in Pilsen Region takes up both upper floors, while exhibitions and other accompanying events take place on the ground floor. In addition to the exhibition hall, we also use the rooms of the former soap workshop, the stables and the historical cellars. At the end of the passageway towards the town square, you can find the ticket office and our special Book Booth, followed by the enclosed yard with benches and a bike stand which form the imaginary “heart” of the museum. Thematically oriented fairs, creative workshops for families with children and examples of selected annual customs are organized in these rooms.

What you can see in the museum


What you can experience in our museum

  • Doplňující info:

    Address / Contact

    Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska
    náměstí Republiky 13 
    301 00 Plzeň 

    Václav Marian